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What Brothers Do 9/11 book

What Brothers Do invites us to follow the journey of the Brown brothers as one traces the life of a fallen icon and in the process, recreates his own. We stand in awe of the life of Paddy Brown and stand by his brother who knew only that he had to go find him. In doing so, he found pain but also loyalty and love and wrote the best book about 9/11.

This book pulls readers not just through the trenches and ashes of Ground Zero after the fall of the Twin Towers, it coaxes us through the tortured mind and heart of Michael Brown, a brother who feels the loss, dread, fear–and hope–of finding his brother, Captain Patrick Brown, alive.

It took 10 years for Michael Everett Brown to publish this book about 9/11 that bared his soul and sorrow and now nearly 10 years later, we all still live with the losses and unfulfilled dreams of those 343 firefighters and hundreds of other first responders–who perished, trying to save the lives of thousands of fellow New Yorkers.

Author: Michael Everett Brown

392 pages